Mister Jiu's1 Serving • 28 Waverly Pl, San Francisco

Mister Jiu's

28 Waverly Pl, San Francisco
CA 94108, United States
Owner & Chef - Brandon JewOWNER & CHEF
Owner & Chef - Brandon Jew

A layering of culture, ideas, experience and ingredients is at the heart of San Francisco chef Brandon Jew’s approach to cooking and running restaurants. “My restaurant Mr Jiu’s is on a site that’s run as a restaurant since the 1850s,” he says. “I’m inspired by the chefs that have been in Chinatown before me, as well as my family’s Cantonese background.” There’s also a lot of play with the notion of Chinese-American food. “There are dishes that started off inspired by China, but how they are expressed here is very much American. It’s a different lens on Chinese cuisine.”

About Mister Jiu's

Brandon Jew's Mister Jiu’s is a contemporary expression of Chinese-American food created by one of the country's most thoughtful chefs. Jew honours the heritage of this building, which has housed iconic Chinatown restaurants in decades past. The food here is nostalgic but dynamic, using local farm produce to create dishes that fondly reference their history while speaking eloquently to the here and now.

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