Stokehouse1 Serving • 30 Jacka Blvd


30 Jacka Blvd
St Kilda VIC 3182
Jason StaudtChef
Jason Staudt

Canada-born Jason Staudt has brought a focus on sustainability and supplier relationships to his role at Stokehouse. His CV includes time at Eleven Madison Park, The Ledbury, Brae, Clove Club and Restaurant Gordon Ramsay. He was head chef at the two-hatted Aria in Sydney for four years.


An essential Melbourne restaurant, Stokehouse overlooks Port Phillip Bay. The waterfront location explains the seafood focus but there’s also an abiding passion for grilled meats. Stokehouse was rebuilt after a 2014 fire with a focus on sustainability: geothermal heating and cooling are a feature.

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